Dear Friends:
Thank you for your thoughtful support of After School Discovery throughout its 20 + year history. Your support has been the key to success for the people of Ashtabula County through their school years and into adulthood. First generation Discovery - seasoned students are now young adults and demonstrating every day that they have been well-prepared for success as Citizens, Partners in Relationships, and Professionals.
We are thankful and very proud of the work of After School Discovery staff and volunteers. At the same time, we are recognizing it is no longer enough. For every person After School Discovery reaches, there are at least 50 others who aren't getting the experience and life skills they need to succeed.
Ashtabula County is poised to leap forward as a region. The inadequate preparation of young people can, however, limit our tremendous potential.
Each year After School Discovery asks for your financial and volunteer support. This year, we ask you to join us in reaching higher than ever before. We aim to take the steps necessary to reach far more of the students and families who deserve better opportunities in after school and summer learning - and deliver better overall preparation for their success in life.
In the coming year, we will continue to manage successful, proven After School Discovery programs. At the same time, we aim to build a more cohesive community partnership that gives us the capacity to reach more students, at more "After School" times, and with an emphasis on Life Skills, Experience and Summer Learning.
Here are some examples of the expansion efforts already getting underway:
After School Discovery is working to improve and expand the connection between the local business community and public school teachers and students. Generous pledges of time and talent are in place.
The wealthiest neighborhoods around the Country are investing in technology and online resources to help teachers do more - and to do more with less. We believe that this approach is even more important to a community whose citizens face economic and social challenges.
Our goal is not to replace teachers, parents and volunteers - we are working to help each be even more effective in their valuable roles.
The lack of adequate summer programs is recognized as the primary cause of low academic achievement and high drop-out rates. More local, well-trained Teachers and Volunteers - equipped with the technology that extends their reach even further, creates the capacity to promote learning during the summer in new and expanded ways.
Do we need help? Yes! We need you now more than ever before.
Transformation Appeal
We are connecting students with learning opportunities wherever in the world lessons can be found.