Discovery Cove
Discovery Cove is our before and after school child care enrichment program for Pre-K through 6th grade students on the Wade Avenue Campus. We are open from 6 am to 9:30 am and 2:30 pm to 6 pm. Held at Ontario Primary. Discovery Cove will continue to provide enrichment activities for our students in music, art, life skills and of course – reading and math! This is a Parent Pay program that is licensed through Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.
Celebrate Primary
Celebrate Primary is being offered to children currently in 1st and 2nd grade at the Wade Avenue Campus. Celebrate will support your child's academics and social/emotional skill development through expanded experiences with fun enriching activities (like Fun with Food, Yoga, CATCH, Keyboarding, Art Club, Legos, etc.)
Offered Monday through Friday from 7:15 - 8:15 am and Monday through Thursday 3:00 - 5:30 pm. Held at Ontario Primary. There is no charge for this program and is funded through an Ohio Department of Education's Nita M Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant. Transportation home is being offered through Sunset Taxi Transportation at no charge.
Quest 305
Quest 305 After School for 7th and 8th grade students at Lakeside Junior High School, is offering enrichments (Dungeons and Dragons; Girls Circle; Hands on Career Planning; Micro Sports; Puzzle Pieces; etc.) in addition to support with academics. Transportation home at 5:00 pm is being offered through Richmond Transportation. There is no charge for this program or transportation.
Club 212
Club 212 is an after school Academic Coaching and Homework help program at Lakeside Jr High School, offered at no charge to our AACS families. Club 212 works with students to improve their academic achievement and engage them in fun classes that support their life skill development.
Strive 4 Success
Strive 4 Success is an academic coaching program for 3rd - 6th grade beginning at Erie Intermediate for academics and ending at Ontario Primary for Enrichments Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school at no charge to our AACS families. We are working closely with teachers who can provide your child with Academic Coaching in reading and mathematics to help him/her succeed this year in school. Last year, children who regularly attended Strive 4 Success showed improvement and parents were positive about the program.
Summer Programs
In our summer program, we continue the journey with our Summer of Discovery program for students who completed kindergarten through 12th grade in the Ashtabula Area City School district. We will continue planting seeds of learning, both academically and socially.
Environmental Science academic kits are available to 4th through 6th grade classrooms. Each year students are invited to participate in an outdoor learning day in the fall and an Environmental Learning Day in the Spring.